Art of Relating

Intensive Group Transparent Communication 2023


It is impossible for us not to relate to each other. The question is how...

• How deeply do I relate to my life?

• How do I experience my relationships with my partner, my family and the people around me?

• How do I learn to let go of toxic patterns of relationships and strengthen my ability to relate?

• How do I experience the connection to my soul potential and how does it impact my life and the world?

• How can I be in good contact with myself and others during the crises and challenges of our time and what resources are available to us?

When we encounter life with openness, courage and love, a deeper intimacy emerges, in which we feel more connected, more present and more alive.

We can allow more closeness and arrive in the present, when we are no longer guided by our defense mechanisms and more deeply understand and integrate our survival strategies.



These are two important pillars of a healthy life. Every human being needs security and protection among people. Then there is room for development and maturation.

Allowing both aspects to dance together, allows our deepest humanity to blossom.

We have chosen a mixture of two in-person meetings and five online meetings for this group. Together we will take a journey of consciousness, exploring and practicing the art of relating to essential themes in life.


How we work...

By learning and deepening the Transparent Communication we gain the ability to live more presence, love and aliveness in our relationships.

It is a wonderful tool to make deeper underlying principles in life visible, accessible and understandable for each other. Through this it enables us to become precisely aware of individual as well as transgenerational and collective life dynamics, as well as a deeper recognition and understanding of universal life principles.

In addition to the shadow and integration work, we also strengthen our relationship competence through the inclusion of the integral consciousness maps. Through this a localization of our individual and collective development becomes possible and next healthy steps become obvious.

Our contemporary, modern form of spiritual practice also includes contact and intuition exercises as well as various forms of meditation and and contemplation practices.

In small groups and interactive online sessions, we deepen the practice in between the modules so it can be applied to our every day lives.


Dates Overview

on-site at Seminarhaus Stiersbach (Oberrot)

Modul 1 20.04. - 23.04.2023, Thur 5 pm - Su 1 pm

Modul 2 29.06. - 02.07.2023, Thur 5 pm - Su 1 pm

ONLINE Zoom video platform

Opening Day 25.03.2023 10 am - 6 pm

Follow-Up for Modul 1 23.05.2023 7 - 9:30 pm

Follow-Up for Modul 2 21.09.2023 7 - 9:30 pm

Modul 3 19. - 22.10.2023, Thur 5 pm - Su 1 pm

Closing Day 18.11.2023 10 am - 6 pm


MODULE 1 on-site meeting

Development in my past and now

• How much have I landed completely in my life?

• How did I experience security, safety and belonging in my childhood?

• What intelligences have I developed to deal with experienced scarcity?

• Where am I living MY life now and where am I repeating (painful) experiences and patterns of my past?

20.04. - 23.04.2023, Thur 5 pm - Su 1 pm

Seminarhaus Stiersbach (Oberrot)


MODULE 2 on-site meeting

Creation and expression of my life now

• How can I provide safety, security and belonging in my everyday life?

• What do mature nurturing relationships in family, work and the world look like for me?

• How does my will find its authentic expression in my life?

• How do I integrate my stumbling blocks and how do I meet emerging resistance or crises on my path?

29.06. - 02.07.2023, Thur 5 pm - Su 1 pm

Seminarhaus Stiersbach (Oberrot)


MODULE 3 online meeting

Relationship to my soul potential and the divine

• What supports me to strengthen the connection to my soul qualities?

• How much can I relate to something beyond myself?

• How do I find deeper access to the ever-present?

• What place do I give to the divine in my life?

19.10. - 22.10.2023, Thur 5 pm - Su 1 pm

Online on Zoom


Information and Application

Please apply informally at and fill out the application form. We will send you all further documents and invite you to a personal meeting. For formal reasons, the annual group is called a group therapy seminar.

If you have any questions about the registration process, payment or other organizational issues, please contact Maja Sommer, our organizer, at: .

For questions about the content, please contact:

Susanne Ahlendorf or

Axel Perinchery

We are looking forward to meet you!


Conditions of participation

With the transfer of the seminar fee the registration for the seminar is binding.

For cancellations by the participant up to 6 weeks before the event we charge a handling fee of 100 €. The cancellation must be made in writing. After that until the beginning 50% of the course fee will be charged. If the participant does not appear at the event or leaves the event early, 100% of the course fee will be charged.

The intensive group can only be booked in full (all 7 dates).

Registration deadline is March 10, 2023 at the latest.

The maximum number of participants is 24.



Early bird price € 1.550 until 15. Jan. 2023

Regular price € 1.850

(plus accommodation and meals for Module 1 + 2)

The costs for accommodation/meals are between 67 € and 99€ per day, depending on the accommodation (single room/ double room/ multi-bed room), vegetarian full board is included.

Further details at


Testimonials from past participants

„The course has taken me on the journey to myself and has put me on track. For that I am infinitely grateful and happy.“
Birke, age 48

„The course is a declaration of love for life.“
Irina, age 37

„The intensive group means for me: Autopilot off and intensity of life on. I take my life into my own hands.“
Matthias, age 35

„It‘s a work of art this course, the setting, the topics, the people. I have felt so well embedded, safe and lovingly accompanied.“
Susanne, age 43




Axel Perinchery


Susanne Ahlendorf

practices in her own psychotherapeutic practice in Frankfurt am Main. She is a non-medical practitioner for psychotherapy and practitioner of the developmental trauma method NARM®.

She has been leading further education and training groups since 1998 for meditation, transparent communication, mysticism & healing, further education in the context of education as well as annual trainings „Frauen-RAUM“.

She is co-founder of the MakeSpaceForGrace project, which brings together people who are interested in a deeper understanding of sacred scripture and other mystical texts.

Susanne has been studying and assisting the work of Thomas Hübl since 2006. She has been conducting the Practice Group Leader Training in Transparent Communication with Axel Perinchery at the Academy of Inner Science for 10 years.

Her passion and ability is to bring people together in spaces that are supported and held by a grounded and spiritual force. The connection and relationship in being human and to the creative source has become a natural attitude for her.


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